Art Therapy For CEO's and Entrepreneur

About the program:

Being a CEO or entrepreneur requires us to utilize our left brain the majority of the time, in this class you will allow yourself the space to utilize your right brain in order to balance the day to day requirements.

assorted-color paints and paintbrushes on white tarp
assorted-color paints and paintbrushes on white tarp
Your loved ones will:
  • Tap into your creative brain

  • Beat Burn Out

  • Meet other individuals

  • Network before and after class

Available in English and Spanish


Location: 6280 Jackson Dr Suite 8,

San Diego, CA 92119

Duration: 1.5 hours

Sessions: 8 Weeks

Team Building Experience:

If you'd like to host this program for your staff as a team building experience please message us at

Promote your Business Host an Event:

If you would like to host this event at your business location to promote your business please message us at